
10 Effective Ways to Get to Know Your Audience


Creating and running a successful website is a lot more complicated than most people think, but it boils down to one thing: being able to identify your target audience. In order to do that, you need to take lots of things into consideration when creating your content. Some of the key categories you need to pay attention to are:

Audience demographics � whether they are male or female, as well

Pinterest Pin It button on image hover

[IMPORTANT UPDATE June 23 2016] To keep your Pin It button alive, please reinstall the code (see change log).
Due to numerous requests from our readers, here we present yet another Pinterest pin it button widget. This time a button that appears when you mouseover or hover any image in your posts.
Pinning an image just got easier and more intuitive with this hover button. First you decide which

How to Be a Successful Content Creator


In this generation wherein talented individuals are just around the corner, it is really difficult to stand out from them. Have you heard people with popular blogs? We are talking about content creators like bloggers, video makers and writers. There is no such thing as being successful in just one night. People who are now successful content creators put huge efforts to make their blog posts

How To Perform Keyword Research To Improve Your SEO

The term "keyword research" refers to the search engine optimization (SEO) practice of finding and researching actual search terms that internet users may most likely enter into their search engines with the aim of achieving higher rankings for their web pages.

The object and intent of the discussions that follow aim at guiding you the prospective researcher on how to perform keyword research

10 Wonderful Blogging Tools That Will Make You a Better Blogger

People love blogs; you might ask how do I know for sure? Well, it�s not just me though who thinks so, Hosting Facts share this info:

Around 2.7 million blog posts get published every single day.

Here are some more interesting facts on blogging that I bet not many of you can claim to have known already, courtesy of active blogs:

In U.S. alone, a whopping 81% of all online consumers

10 Typical Mistakes of a Beginner Blogger

If you have a passion for writing and learning, then there is no more perfect career than blogging. But, like all professions, there is a learning curve. In the beginning, you will make mistakes that are typical of all new bloggers. Fortunately, they are easily corrected with commitment and effort. Here are 10 of those typical mistakes and how you can avoid them.

1. Writing in an Academic Style

Stand Out with Unique Digital Marketing

Nothing but a small startup investing most dollars in digital marketing tools and strategies is the epitome of how vital it is to spread this digital panorama further to ultimately compete with top business insiders in present time. The new businesses can only gain recognition if they turn up successfully to user's laptop screens and smartphones.
Honestly, e-commerce has made marketing a lot