How To Setup/Host Custom Domain On Blogger

This is a guest post by Chris. Blogger has already introduced custom domain name. If you purchase a domain name through Blogger, there�s no issue in setting it up because Blogger automatically configures CNAME. However if you purchased the domain name separately, you have to manually configure it. This post I�m going to show you how to host your own domain name on Blogger. Mainly you have to

5 Keys to Securing your Personal Server

This is a guest post by John Dayton. Server security is one of the most fundamental that you need to take care of if you run an online business or have a privately hosted web presence of any kind -meaning you have your own websites instead of running your pages off of social networks or blogging platform sub-domains. The internet is a jungle in many ways and it's full of numerous predators, both

SEO Using Wiki Platforms

This is a guest post by Teyona Dame. Search Engine Optimization or simply SEO, is an assortment of online processes and procedures employed by webmasters to raise their website or blog rankings on search engine results page. There are primarily two types of search engine optimization techniques: white hat SEO and black hat SEO. Of late, the white hat technique is widely used and preferred, as the

Top 10 Web Development Tools for iPhone

This is a guest post by Lewis Hooker. Web development tools for iPhone are helpful apps that can provide you with convenient and handy apps for all your website or blog-developing needs. Here is a list of the top 10 web development tools for you iPhone: 1. Palettes Palettes is probably the best color app available for the iPhone. It is a very powerful iOS productivity tool that allows users

5 Easy Ways to Use Your Blog to Promote Your Business

This is a guest post by Tom Mcloughlin. In these days of far more social interaction online, it�s more important than ever to connect with your customers rather than just pushing information to them and walking away. People want to know who the personalities are behind a business and by doing that they develop an increased trust for you and your brand. There are many ways of connecting online,

Why you can�t fake it in your video content

This is a guest post by Neil Davidson. They say that the eyes are the window to your soul. I have a new theory; that your marketing video content is the window to your business soul. Take for example Microsoft Vistas SP1 corporate video (see below). Now, I don�t know if this was meant to be serious or not. If it was, it is obviously horrendous. Try to imagine it was meant to be a joke.