Pinterest Pin It button with Counter (latest update)

This is the latest version of our original popular Pin It button tutorial. This Pin It button allows your readers to share your posts without having to leave your blog. It pulls all available images from a post and lets them choose which image to pin. It also comes with an optional counter that displays how many times a blog post has been pinned. Adding Pin It button to Blogger post This Pin It

The Pros and Cons of Allowing Blog Comments on your Blog

This is a guest post by Marty Reardon. If you're the owner of a blog, whatever topic it might be on, some of your biggest questions will probably revolve around whether to allow comments or not and how to manage them if you do. This is no small issue consider and you need to carefully weigh the benefits and costs of allowing comments before making any choices either way. Here, to help you out

How to protect Your Online Reputation [Infographic]

People can learn a lot about you from the internet. What you say, do, who you hang out with and what others say about you online is out in the open on the web. All this information can have an impact on how you are perceived by others. This infographic shows how online reputation can affect your real life and what you can do about it. Click on image for a larger version. This infographic is

5 Effective Ways to Stay Stress Free While Blogging

This is a guest post by Harshit Singhal. Blogging is not just a mere hobby these days, it is more like a full fledged business, for there is a good amount of money to be made but a lot of competition to go along with it as well. To stand out among the rest of the pack, you need serious dedication, patience and hard work, all of which can end up taking a lot of energy and making you feel exhausted