How to Embed Facebook Posts in A Blog Or Website

You may embed any publicly shared post from Facebook Pages and personal profiles on a website or blog. The embedded post will show any media (photographs, videos) attached to it, as well as the number of likes, shares, and comments that the post has. It will also enable people to follow or like content authors or Pages directly from the embed. How to put a public Facebook post on your blog or

Top Requested Features For Google Webmaster Tools in 2014

This is a guest post by Kelly Wilson. The Google Webmaster Tools have become a valuable channel for search engine optimization and many of its users are anticipating for better and even more powerful features from the tool by 2014. Matt Cutts announced from his blog that he is willing to listen from webmasters, online marketers, bloggers and SEO fanatics for wild and great ideas about the

How to Say Thanks to Social Media Fans

This is a guest post by Khalid Masood Awan. Every company wants to improve business, and enhance company brand image in the market. Different companies follow different means to do it. According to recent research �Saying thanks to Social Media Fans� is one of the most effective way to improve brand image, and to improve customer�s loyalty in the market. There are many places on social media, in

Giveaway: Win Free Domain Names With Namecheap!

Enter this giveaway for your chance to win some free domain names. Blogger Sentral have joined forces with Namecheap, allowing us to offer this giveaway to our readers. We have 5 generic top-level domains (.com/.net/.org) names to give away. The first place prize is 3 domain names, while the second and third placed winners will receive a single domain each. This giveaway has ended This giveaway

Smart Content Strategy - Saying What Has To Be Said

This is a guest post by James Bradrick �Sometimes, reaching out and taking someone's hand is the beginning of a journey�. Vera Nazarian When we reach a decision concerning exactly what we are going to communicate we have also begun a journey called content strategy. And in a very real way we have begun to reach out to those we wish to communicate with. That decision defines the �what� of our

Learn How Giving Away Freebies Can Increase Your Blog Traffic

This is a guest post by Jason Smith. If there is one thing that no one can't deny is accepting freebies. The best way you can increase your traffic is to offer free things to your visitors. You not only give them something just because you got many of it but because it is of value to your clients and other visitors. The best way to do this is to offer them a freebie that is relevant to the

The Do's and Don'ts On Growing Your Twitter Following

This is a guest post by Melody Cleo. Many businesses have discovered the power of Twitter due to its low cost, immediacy and viral nature. However, it's not easy to develop a following. The idea is not the number of people that follow you but how many are relevant. Having over 20,000 followers who do not respond to your Tweets is like playing a guitar to a herd of goats. Here are some things you

Sell More With The Right Look For Your Website

This is a guest post by Aaliyah. To sell products online, you need to have a good looking ecommerce website. Even if you have never set up a website before, you can still have the kind of web design which will bring in the kind of attention you are looking for. Just make sure you include in your website design pictures of your products, a shopping cart and an about us section. If you are in the

How to Use Google+ So it Aids Your SEO Efforts

This is a guest post by Bernard Naylor. Google+ is still relatively new, the interface is unlike any other social network, and users, even though they number in millions, have not yet saturated the platform or the possibilities it offers. This is the perfect time to hop on to the Plus wagon and announce your presence in the cyber world. If you are like most people, you know that Google can't be

How To Find Codes In Blogger Template

Since Blogger introduced the new template HTML editor, we get many comments from readers saying that they can't find the codes requested in our tutorials. Almost 99% of the time the code is there in the template, but they are having trouble finding it because Blogger new template HTML editor has made code-finding more difficult or less straightforward. Finding a code or tag the old way is

How To Incorporate Responsive Design Into Blogger Blogs

This is a guest post by Myriam. A blog without Responsive Design? No thanks. Today we live in a society that is smart, always on the go. Most people use their smartphones to browse through the internet. If you still have a site that looks horrible on portable devices, you should change that. Immediately. It is common knowledge that Google does not update Blogger fast enough. Blogger offers

10 Inspiring Responsive Designed Blogs

This is a guest post by Amy Kirkegaard. Responsive web design is a web development method that creates the best viewing experience no matter what device is being used - laptop, desktop, tablet, or mobile phone. Blogs with responsive web design use fluid grids to automatically adapt for resolution and image size. ComputerWorld reports that more people in the United States will access the Internet

5 Reasons You'll Probably Quit Blogging Within The Next 3 Months

This is a guest post by Casey Dennison. The level of dedication and willpower it takes to write a steady stream of content on a weekly (sometimes daily) basis is not something the majority of "newbie" bloggers possess. It's not unusual for someone to rush in full of enthusiasm and ready to rock-n-roll, only to call it quits after several months from what is known as "blogging burnout". There

5 Best Practices for Your Mobile Website

This is a guest post by Ben Oren. When you are a business owner, you need to establish a strong online presence, as the Internet is used for billions of people all over the world. Furthermore, establishing a strong and healthy online presence is not possible without a great official website. However, this website has to be optimized for mobile searches and mobile viewing, as the trend of using

10 Essential Google Analytics Tips For Bloggers

This is a guest post by Kate Funk. Google analytics is one of many Google tools that is completely free to use, and that does not come with stupid marketing as a result of giving them your email address, nor does it come with an obligation to purchase anything as a result of its use. Here are a few facts and tips that you may not know about. This list is in no particular order, as tip number one

7 Tips For Creating a Better WordPress Design

This is a guest post by Ness. Creating a WordPress site for the first time can be a little confusing for most, but after you play around with all of the different customization options and upload some good images, you can make it perfect. So to give you a head start on some of the design aspects, we are going to give you 7 tips to use to ensure your design is amazing. Use Beautiful Pictures

10 Useful Firefox Add-ons For Every Blogger

This is a guest post by Sonia Jackson. Firefox is not really any better than IE, but the reason for its popularity is the fact that it has some very handy add-ons that you may install right into the browser. There are a lot of add-ons for Firefox, and many of them are useful for bloggers. Here are ten that you may find useful as a blogger. ReminderFox This extension allows you to set up a

Dedicated Hosting 101

This is a guest post by Corey Weimer. In today's increasingly technology focused society, very nearly any online entrepreneur can profit from opening a blog and generating an online income. With such a large number of website hosts to choose from, and with such a great amount of technical terminology to deal with before they can even to start to comprehend what they are getting tied up with,

Online Advertising With BuySellAds (BSA): An Advertiser's View

This is a guest post by Helen Bailey. is offering a huge selection of blogging tips as well as tips on how to monetize your blog. And we hope today�s article will help both people who want to promote their blogs with ads, and people who want to earn money by placing ads on their blogs. To make a long story short, here you�ll find an advertiser�s point of view on BuySellAds (BSA

Top Rated Android Apps for Bloggers

This is a guest post by Hammad Baig. Being away from your computer is no longer an excuse to abandon your blog. Today's mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets have the tools (apps) that can help you carry on with blogging activities while on the go. These apps enables you to perform tasks that once could only be performed on a computer. Android, the leading operating system used in

How To Post Tall Pictures On Blogger

Posting large images (taller or wider than 1600px) is a bit of a challenge on Blogger. This is because Blogger decides to shrink them to 1600px. In practice, I do think there isn't much need in posting images wider than 1600px. However the same can't be said for images taller than 1600px. Infographics for example are almost always taller than 1600px. As you may know you can choose the size for

10 Most Fascinating Text Editors For Web Developers

This is a guest post by Charu Garg. Writing code for a blog or website is a daunting task. It requires a lot of concentration, as even a slightest error may make your web page go haywire. Therefore, it is necessary to use a powerful and feature rich text editor that you can rely on and also helps you recognize errors in your code. Adobe Dreamweaver used to be the most preferred text editor,

Optimizing Your Blog for an Enhanced Mobile Viewing

This is a guest post by Mike Swan. We were thinking about getting on with some clever mind blowing lines that would totally convince our readers to take their websites and blogs mobile. But then we decided against it, simply because firstly, we know each one of us are in the habit of reading various novels and books on kindle, chatting on whatsapp or viber (which practically requires a smart

Why Bloggers Need to Belong to an Online Community

This is a guest post by Chad Goulde. Some bloggers confuse online community with online audience. However, they�re not one-in-the-same. An audience is not social, interactive or two-way. It simply sits back and reads or watches passively, without sharing or participating. A community, on the other hand, is a living, breathing, social, interactive entity, with the ability to hold two-way

Blogging Success : Lessons Learned from Albert Einstein

This is a guest post by Hamza Butt. As we all know that Albert Einstein was one of the most successful scientists and philosophers of this world. His life is not only a treasure of lessons for scientists but bloggers can also get some motivational lessons for blogging success by studying his life. His success always inspire people to live their life his way. Now what is there for bloggers to

Unethical SEO Methods That Will Destroy Your Page Ranking

This is a guest post by Cara Aley. There is no faster way to negatively impact your SEO efforts than by subscribing to unethical SEO practices, otherwise known as black hat SEO techniques. Google and other search engines are continuously evolving methods by which to identify and admonish violators of these unethical methods. The goal of a search engine is to deliver the highest quality search

Small Steps to Boost Your SEO � TODAY!

This is a guest post by Shanna Mallon. When you start learning about search engine optimization (SEO), it�s easy to be overwhelmed. But before you run the other way, take heart. Not all SEO is complicated. In fact, here are a handful of SEO-savvy strategies you can begin implementing, right now, today! Get Search Engines to Index Your Website The first step to promote your website in search

How Safe Is Your Website? [Infographic]

It�s time. Your website needs a health checkup. Sure, you could wait�if you want to increase your potential in being among the 648,000,000 websites reporting problems related to hacking and tampering. Complete a brief checkup now. Are you committing one of the following, unsafe actions? Using cheap hosting services Leveraging badly-coded third-party extensions Keeping poor or weak log-in

How To Redirect Traffic From Your Blog To A Website

This is a guest post by Kate Funk. Some people set up a blog in order to get their opinion across. That used to be the main reason for setting up a blog. Then people realized that they can use a blog to influence people, so advertisers and promoters started to use blogging as a well of selling products and services. People then started to expand this as the Internet grew, and they started using

What Blog Design Works Best For You?

This is a guest post by Olivia Rose. The dream of every blogger, whether personal or for a company, is that they will write it and people will come. That their site statistics will skyrocket and their blog will be a big hit. But the truth of the matter is, that doesn't happen. In the world of blogs, simply posting current content isn't enough to raise your blog to the top of the pile. According

Switch To Adsense Asynchronous Ad Code For Faster Page Loading

Google recently introduced an asynchronous version of their Adsense ad Javascript code. If you serve Adsense ads on your blog and wish to improve your blog loading speed, then it is a good idea to switch to the asynchronous JavaScript tags. Asynchronous Javascripts improve web latency and offer better users experience because they load in parallel and do not block other parts of your web page

6 Easy Ways to Avoid Blogger Burn Out

This is a guest post by Reena Cruz. Working around the clock helps nothing, least of all your health. The more you work, the higher your chances of burning out. It�s as simple as that. But for the blogger, there really is no alternative to hard work--especially if you�re running more than one blog. Unfortunately, working via the web or behind a computer hasn�t made it any easier either. If

Top 10 Must Have SEO Tools for Bloggers

This is a guest post by Alice McLean. Before we start listing the top ten SEO tools any blogger must use, here are three reasons why you need them: Considering only the latest Panda update Google made, we can expect Search engine optimization to be even more challenging in the future. If you use the right SEO tools for your blog, it�s like you have 10, 30, or even more people working on your

No Inspiration? How to Get the Ideas Flowing

This is a guest post by Erin Steiner. We all get it. We sit down, open up our blogging platform, stare at the empty post screen and the blinking cursor just waiting for something to do, and...nothing. Nada. No way. There are zero ideas happening. It's easy to get discouraged. It's easy to stare at the cursor and think hateful things about it, its family, and its family's family (if cursors even

Penguin 2.0 Will Usher in Huge Transitions in Guest Blogging Practices

This is a guest post by Alan Smith. After Penguin 2.0, the guest blogging will keep on working, but it will change in several ways after the Google update arrives. Guest blogging has been very effective for most SEOs and bloggers have been receiving loads of emails asking if they will take guest posts. But Penguin 2.0 will greatly impact the way you build your links by using guest blogging and to

How To Get Backlinks From Authoritative Websites?

This is a guest post by Mauricio Prinzlau. If you are having a blog or a website and already started seeing some visitors you'll most likely get excited by all the great opportunities that arise: suddenly people give you feedback via blog comments acknowledging (finally) the hours you've put into developing your individual articles. But after a while you'll ask yourself if that's it or if there

Highlight External Links & Make Them Open In New Windows

You can highlight external links on your blog or website fairly easily. All you need is a small jQuery script and an even smaller CSS code snippet. And you don't even have to go back and edit your existing posts/pages for it to work. You can also force those links to open in new windows or tabs if you want to. Here's how: 1. Tag external links This simple jQuery script will scan your page for

What If Your WordPress Blog Gets Hacked? [Infographic]

WordPress platform has experienced some wide-spread hacker attacks recently. They have been targeting mainly blogs and websites with default "admin" login name. Wordpress can be very easily used, thus people tend to forget about the security issues. Most people have no idea about hacks and why they're dangerous. In fact, WordPress has many different loopholes that attract different hackers who

The Secrets Behind A Fantastic Blog

This is a guest post by Katie Belliveau. Blogs are a brilliant way to communicate with your target audience and create a go-to source for your chosen niche. Running a blog does have challenges in itself, but when you know what to put in place and where, you can be sure that everything will run smoothly. We�ve picked out five of the most important secrets that every great blogger should keep in

Ways to Increase your Organic and Social Media Visitors

This is a guest post by Joseph Gojo Cruz. Website traffic is the best way to know how a website is performing on the internet. We could partially measure the success of a website through the average amount of visitors that your website is receiving on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. This is also the best way to figure out if your marketing strategy is effective and giving your website the best

Email Marketing Tools and Resources for Bloggers

This is a guest post by Marice Lupoy. Ideally, promoting your website or blog should not be limited to SEO alone. There are various ways to do this, but the easiest, most convenient and probably most effective of them all is email marketing. It can be quite complex, but with the right tactics, these various aspects of SEO and email marketing can effectively work together to bring more traffic and

Recent Posts Image Gallery For Blogger

I notice a growing trend towards using pictures to link to posts. Pinterest effect perhaps? Anyway, some people code the pictures listing manually in a HTML/Javascript gadget to form a gallery, while others painstakingly add one picture at a time using a Picture gadget. It's a pain. But there is a good news: you can now list the pictures easily and automatically using our recent posts image

5 Things To Remember When Creating Your Own Site

This is a guest post by Lily Davis. If you want to maximize your reach to customers and readers, you have to have your own website. However, it is no longer just enough to put up a website and hope that users will come. You need to have some direction and put in the effort to make a user experience that will keep visitors coming back. Below are five things to remember when creating your own

5 Awesome Online Backlink Checker Tools for Your Website

This is a guest post by Mackenzie Gauvin. Every website or blog owner should understand and know how valuable it is to have the ability to create and monitor backlinks to their website. Having inbound links to your website is essential in order to help you obtain a higher page rank on Google. However, the backlinks you should have on your site should not be based on the quantity but more

How to maximize your blog traffic

This is a guest post by Dapinder Singh. Blog traffic is a serious and very popular matter in the field of blogging. If you want to become a successful blogger then you must have a great blog with lots of traffic. But getting huge amount of traffic to your blog is not an easy task. These days there are millions of blogs related to every niche are available on the internet so it is extremely

How Facebook�s Graph Search Can Benefit Bloggers

This is a guest post by Amanda DiSilvestro. Social media is particularly important for bloggers because it is such a good way to create buzz around a piece of content. While I would never advocate the idea that social media doesn�t matter for other types of businesses, there is no denying that because blogging is all about content and promotion, social is particularly crucial. The new Facebook

Prevent People From Copying Your Blog Content

It�s frustrating when people copy your blog post or image and pass it off as their own. No thank you, no credit, no linkback. Worse still when the stolen content ranks higher than yours (the original) in search results. All the hard work, down the drain. This post will show you how deter bad people from stealing your blog content. How your blog content is copied? Below are some of the ways people

5 Reasons Why Authors Should Accept Online Payments

This is a guest post by Kimberley Laws. Times have changed since the days of freelance writing in front of a clunky manual typewriter. You know, the ones with the keys that would get tied up in knots every time your typing fingers moved a little too quickly. As you tried to pry them apart, your fingers would wind up a black smudgy mess. And no amount of Ivory soap could wash them clean. Our

AdSense Adds Link Unit Ad Previews For Higher CTR

Google recently updated their Adsense link units to include thumbnails in the ad pages in order to improve publishers' performance. From now on link unit ad pages will show previews of advertisers' landing page in addition to the usual text links. Tests conducted by Google showed thumbnail images generated higher CTR (Click-Through Rates), leading to increased publisher revenue and more

SEO: 6 Things You Must Do Before Publishing Your Articles

This is a guest post by Emmanuel Obarhua. There are some simple, yet imperative practices bloggers ought to put to work on their articles after writing and before publishing them, these practices aren�t compulsive but are essential for SEO. It is advised that bloggers should make sure their articles are search engine optimized, but this has never been compulsive, implementation of SEO is always

How To Make Any Widget Sticky

When a visitor scrolls down your blog to view more content, the upper portion of your blog goes out the window from the top to make way for the lower portion that enters from the bottom. Now what we are going to do is stick your chosen widget to the top edge of the window as it is about to leave, thus making the widget visible at all time while the visitor scrolls. It will float there until its

Tips For Handling Ornery Commenters

This is a guest post by Valerie J. Wilson. You�ve heard of that clothing line called �Life is Good,� right? That Jake character has it goin� on! His glass is half-full, and the dude just keeps on keepin� on. Everyone should be like Jake. But there a lot of folks out there who are the antithesis of that guy on the t-shirt who just smiles all day long. There are the haters. The meanies. The

Why You Should Capitalize on the Potential of Social Media [Infographic]

Social media facilitates customer acquisition & retention, promotes credibility & professionalism of a brand, and also offers tremendous potential for networking. If you are a B2B business marketer, here is an infographic with facts and figures on the immense potential of social media, and why you should leverage that potential in 2013. Click on image for a larger version. Source: http://

Four Steps for Maximizing the SEO Potential of Your Mobile Site

This is a guest post by Anna Robeson. The online mobile market is possibly the most rapidly expanding one at the moment � and this almost in spite of current economic outlooks, which still speak of the aftermath of the global financial crisis. The number of smartphone users in the United States literally exploded in 2012 and all experts in the field forecast a similar pattern for 2013. That being

How To Draft The Perfect Tweets To Promote Your Events And Sales

This is a guest post by Vishal Gumber. Planning an offline or a web event? Or perhaps you have an online sale on your Facebook or E-commerce store coming up. Either way, Twitter can prove to be an excellent marketing tool. It�s a cost effective way to promote an event, attract customers, and accelerate sign ups or web visits. It also helps to build new audience and strengthen loyalty of the

Cloud Backup Options to Keep Your Blog Files Safe

This is a guest post by Gina Smith. You�ve spent much time writing articles, reviewing guest posts for publication, collecting images and videos, recruiting followers and customizing your blog just the way you want it. The last thing you want is to lose all of the time and hard work you�ve put into perfecting your masterpiece. Unfortunately, a person with the right technical knowledge can hack,

The Essential Guide To Google Webmaster Tools

This is a guest post by Salman Farooqui. Google Webmaster Tools is a free service from Google that helps website owners to improve and keep track of the visibility of their site on Google. It shows webmasters how Google bot accesses their website. What Google Webmaster Tool tells about your site? Index status Shows how many of your webpages have been indexed by Google by date. In Advanced

Content Spoiler With Simple Animation

Here is a light spoiler code that can be used to hide parts of your blog content. You can use it in posts, pages, widgets, or wherever you see fit. This spoiler adds a few improvements to our previous spoiler, such as: Button text changes according to the state of the spoiler - �Show� in hide state and �Hide� in show state. Animated expand and collapse actions, achieved using CSS3 Transitions.

Google Author Rank Guide For Guest Bloggers

This is a guest post by Michael Pina. Google likes high quality results because every time the value of their concepts falls they lose users to Bing. Google�s battle against poor quality content has moved people in the direction of blogging. Guest posting is now a significant SEO tool, but some people still post dubious content, thus compelling Google to come up with Author Rank. This service

Blogger Auto Pagination And Its Solutions

This is a guest post by Damilare Bakare. Most blogger that are hosting their blogs on Blogger platform would have heard about Blogger Auto Pagination. This Auto Pagination was introduced by Google in the early 2010 and it was meant to control the size of pages for the purpose of making blogs load faster for all users. Blogger Buzz stated that auto pagination dynamically adjust how much content

The Importance of Removing Your Private Information from Public Record

This is a guest post by Cara Aley. Google and other search engines are able to pull up a vast amount of information about each of us, much of which we often aren�t even aware exists for public consumption. Interestingly enough, even though we�d like to think that we can remove what we feel is private information from public record, it�s not all that easy. While some information from registered

How To display Pinterest Latest Pins In A Slideshow

Pinterest latest pins slideshow is another way of displaying latest pins from any Pinterest user or board on a Blogger blog. In my opinion it is a better alternative to the Pinterest�s Profile or Board widget because it occupies less space. Furthermore each image is directly linked to its pin page on Pinterest, as opposed to profile/board page if you are using Pinterest�s Profile/Board widget.

7 Tips To Stop WordPress Comment Spam

This is a guest post by Adrienne Erin. Open discussions make blogs fun to read and engaging. After all, a one-sided conversation might be satisfying for the blogger who initially writes it, but the fluid nature of subsequent agreement and disagreement is what makes readers click on posts and get absorbed in content. However, not everyone visits a blog with the intention of adding something

Understanding Google Analytics

This is a guest post by Lucas Clum. Blogging can be a lonely business. You write and publish post after post in the hope of attracting more traffic, and in turn more revenue, but with little or no information as to who is reading your blog, how they are finding you and most importantly how you can generate more visits. Free to use, Google Analytics is undoubtedly one of the best performing web

Speed Up Blog with Online Image Optimizer

Images usually are the largest component of a web page as they on average make up 62% of a web page size. Larger images correlate with slower web page load time; it creates a bad user experience and will drive them away from your blog. If you intend to keep your readers, you would want to reduce the file size of images you post on your blog. You can do that in two ways: By shrinking the image

How To Use Effective Blogging Strategies in Place of Professional SEO Services?

This is a guest post by Emma-Julie Fox. There are thousands of articles discussing which blogging strategies have worked wonderfully in the past, which ones are effective at present, and which ones are likely to remain valuable in the future. It�s easy to get lost in the sea of information unless you seek answers to one question at a time. So, here�s a list that cuts out the noise and gives a

Free Online Character Counter and HTML Escape Tool

Introducing two free online tools from Blogger Sentral. The two tools are a character counter and a HTML escape tool. These tools can simplify your day to day tasks as a blogger. I personally use the character counter to optimize the post title whenever I�m publishing a new post. As for the escape tool, it is a must-use when I need to post codes in the comments. Character counter This free

9 Tips For Monitoring Your Online Reputation

This is a guest post by Erin Steiner. Whatever business you are in, making sure you know what people are saying about you online is key to your professional survival. You need to monitor and protect your online reputation just as closely as you would monitor your offline reputation. Here are nine ways that you can do that. How many avenues do people use to talk about you? 1. Hire a

A Bloggers Keyword Guide

This is a guest post by Sharon Robinson. Welcome to the blogosphere! You can now join 145 million (86 million Tumblr1 users and 59 million WordPress2 users) other bloggers give or take in trying to make a name, and a living, in the rapidly evolving world of blogging. And talk about rapidly evolving; the first blog was created in 1997 and we are already at 145 million blogs � sure is getting