Why You Should Capitalize on the Potential of Social Media [Infographic]

Social media facilitates customer acquisition & retention, promotes credibility & professionalism of a brand, and also offers tremendous potential for networking. If you are a B2B business marketer, here is an infographic with facts and figures on the immense potential of social media, and why you should leverage that potential in 2013. Click on image for a larger version. Source: http://

Four Steps for Maximizing the SEO Potential of Your Mobile Site

This is a guest post by Anna Robeson. The online mobile market is possibly the most rapidly expanding one at the moment � and this almost in spite of current economic outlooks, which still speak of the aftermath of the global financial crisis. The number of smartphone users in the United States literally exploded in 2012 and all experts in the field forecast a similar pattern for 2013. That being

How To Draft The Perfect Tweets To Promote Your Events And Sales

This is a guest post by Vishal Gumber. Planning an offline or a web event? Or perhaps you have an online sale on your Facebook or E-commerce store coming up. Either way, Twitter can prove to be an excellent marketing tool. It�s a cost effective way to promote an event, attract customers, and accelerate sign ups or web visits. It also helps to build new audience and strengthen loyalty of the

Cloud Backup Options to Keep Your Blog Files Safe

This is a guest post by Gina Smith. You�ve spent much time writing articles, reviewing guest posts for publication, collecting images and videos, recruiting followers and customizing your blog just the way you want it. The last thing you want is to lose all of the time and hard work you�ve put into perfecting your masterpiece. Unfortunately, a person with the right technical knowledge can hack,

The Essential Guide To Google Webmaster Tools

This is a guest post by Salman Farooqui. Google Webmaster Tools is a free service from Google that helps website owners to improve and keep track of the visibility of their site on Google. It shows webmasters how Google bot accesses their website. What Google Webmaster Tool tells about your site? Index status Shows how many of your webpages have been indexed by Google by date. In Advanced

Content Spoiler With Simple Animation

Here is a light spoiler code that can be used to hide parts of your blog content. You can use it in posts, pages, widgets, or wherever you see fit. This spoiler adds a few improvements to our previous spoiler, such as: Button text changes according to the state of the spoiler - �Show� in hide state and �Hide� in show state. Animated expand and collapse actions, achieved using CSS3 Transitions.