Prevent People From Copying Your Blog Content

It�s frustrating when people copy your blog post or image and pass it off as their own. No thank you, no credit, no linkback. Worse still when the stolen content ranks higher than yours (the original) in search results. All the hard work, down the drain. This post will show you how deter bad people from stealing your blog content. How your blog content is copied? Below are some of the ways people

5 Reasons Why Authors Should Accept Online Payments

This is a guest post by Kimberley Laws. Times have changed since the days of freelance writing in front of a clunky manual typewriter. You know, the ones with the keys that would get tied up in knots every time your typing fingers moved a little too quickly. As you tried to pry them apart, your fingers would wind up a black smudgy mess. And no amount of Ivory soap could wash them clean. Our

AdSense Adds Link Unit Ad Previews For Higher CTR

Google recently updated their Adsense link units to include thumbnails in the ad pages in order to improve publishers' performance. From now on link unit ad pages will show previews of advertisers' landing page in addition to the usual text links. Tests conducted by Google showed thumbnail images generated higher CTR (Click-Through Rates), leading to increased publisher revenue and more

SEO: 6 Things You Must Do Before Publishing Your Articles

This is a guest post by Emmanuel Obarhua. There are some simple, yet imperative practices bloggers ought to put to work on their articles after writing and before publishing them, these practices aren�t compulsive but are essential for SEO. It is advised that bloggers should make sure their articles are search engine optimized, but this has never been compulsive, implementation of SEO is always

How To Make Any Widget Sticky

When a visitor scrolls down your blog to view more content, the upper portion of your blog goes out the window from the top to make way for the lower portion that enters from the bottom. Now what we are going to do is stick your chosen widget to the top edge of the window as it is about to leave, thus making the widget visible at all time while the visitor scrolls. It will float there until its

Tips For Handling Ornery Commenters

This is a guest post by Valerie J. Wilson. You�ve heard of that clothing line called �Life is Good,� right? That Jake character has it goin� on! His glass is half-full, and the dude just keeps on keepin� on. Everyone should be like Jake. But there a lot of folks out there who are the antithesis of that guy on the t-shirt who just smiles all day long. There are the haters. The meanies. The