No Inspiration? How to Get the Ideas Flowing

This is a guest post by Erin Steiner. We all get it. We sit down, open up our blogging platform, stare at the empty post screen and the blinking cursor just waiting for something to do, and...nothing. Nada. No way. There are zero ideas happening. It's easy to get discouraged. It's easy to stare at the cursor and think hateful things about it, its family, and its family's family (if cursors even

Penguin 2.0 Will Usher in Huge Transitions in Guest Blogging Practices

This is a guest post by Alan Smith. After Penguin 2.0, the guest blogging will keep on working, but it will change in several ways after the Google update arrives. Guest blogging has been very effective for most SEOs and bloggers have been receiving loads of emails asking if they will take guest posts. But Penguin 2.0 will greatly impact the way you build your links by using guest blogging and to

How To Get Backlinks From Authoritative Websites?

This is a guest post by Mauricio Prinzlau. If you are having a blog or a website and already started seeing some visitors you'll most likely get excited by all the great opportunities that arise: suddenly people give you feedback via blog comments acknowledging (finally) the hours you've put into developing your individual articles. But after a while you'll ask yourself if that's it or if there

Highlight External Links & Make Them Open In New Windows

You can highlight external links on your blog or website fairly easily. All you need is a small jQuery script and an even smaller CSS code snippet. And you don't even have to go back and edit your existing posts/pages for it to work. You can also force those links to open in new windows or tabs if you want to. Here's how: 1. Tag external links This simple jQuery script will scan your page for

What If Your WordPress Blog Gets Hacked? [Infographic]

WordPress platform has experienced some wide-spread hacker attacks recently. They have been targeting mainly blogs and websites with default "admin" login name. Wordpress can be very easily used, thus people tend to forget about the security issues. Most people have no idea about hacks and why they're dangerous. In fact, WordPress has many different loopholes that attract different hackers who