Unethical SEO Methods That Will Destroy Your Page Ranking

This is a guest post by Cara Aley. There is no faster way to negatively impact your SEO efforts than by subscribing to unethical SEO practices, otherwise known as black hat SEO techniques. Google and other search engines are continuously evolving methods by which to identify and admonish violators of these unethical methods. The goal of a search engine is to deliver the highest quality search

Small Steps to Boost Your SEO � TODAY!

This is a guest post by Shanna Mallon. When you start learning about search engine optimization (SEO), it�s easy to be overwhelmed. But before you run the other way, take heart. Not all SEO is complicated. In fact, here are a handful of SEO-savvy strategies you can begin implementing, right now, today! Get Search Engines to Index Your Website The first step to promote your website in search

How Safe Is Your Website? [Infographic]

It�s time. Your website needs a health checkup. Sure, you could wait�if you want to increase your potential in being among the 648,000,000 websites reporting problems related to hacking and tampering. Complete a brief checkup now. Are you committing one of the following, unsafe actions? Using cheap hosting services Leveraging badly-coded third-party extensions Keeping poor or weak log-in

How To Redirect Traffic From Your Blog To A Website

This is a guest post by Kate Funk. Some people set up a blog in order to get their opinion across. That used to be the main reason for setting up a blog. Then people realized that they can use a blog to influence people, so advertisers and promoters started to use blogging as a well of selling products and services. People then started to expand this as the Internet grew, and they started using