How To Post Tall Pictures On Blogger

Posting large images (taller or wider than 1600px) is a bit of a challenge on Blogger. This is because Blogger decides to shrink them to 1600px. In practice, I do think there isn't much need in posting images wider than 1600px. However the same can't be said for images taller than 1600px. Infographics for example are almost always taller than 1600px. As you may know you can choose the size for

10 Most Fascinating Text Editors For Web Developers

This is a guest post by Charu Garg. Writing code for a blog or website is a daunting task. It requires a lot of concentration, as even a slightest error may make your web page go haywire. Therefore, it is necessary to use a powerful and feature rich text editor that you can rely on and also helps you recognize errors in your code. Adobe Dreamweaver used to be the most preferred text editor,

Optimizing Your Blog for an Enhanced Mobile Viewing

This is a guest post by Mike Swan. We were thinking about getting on with some clever mind blowing lines that would totally convince our readers to take their websites and blogs mobile. But then we decided against it, simply because firstly, we know each one of us are in the habit of reading various novels and books on kindle, chatting on whatsapp or viber (which practically requires a smart

Why Bloggers Need to Belong to an Online Community

This is a guest post by Chad Goulde. Some bloggers confuse online community with online audience. However, they�re not one-in-the-same. An audience is not social, interactive or two-way. It simply sits back and reads or watches passively, without sharing or participating. A community, on the other hand, is a living, breathing, social, interactive entity, with the ability to hold two-way

Blogging Success : Lessons Learned from Albert Einstein

This is a guest post by Hamza Butt. As we all know that Albert Einstein was one of the most successful scientists and philosophers of this world. His life is not only a treasure of lessons for scientists but bloggers can also get some motivational lessons for blogging success by studying his life. His success always inspire people to live their life his way. Now what is there for bloggers to