How To Find Codes In Blogger Template

Since Blogger introduced the new template HTML editor, we get many comments from readers saying that they can't find the codes requested in our tutorials. Almost 99% of the time the code is there in the template, but they are having trouble finding it because Blogger new template HTML editor has made code-finding more difficult or less straightforward. Finding a code or tag the old way is

How To Incorporate Responsive Design Into Blogger Blogs

This is a guest post by Myriam. A blog without Responsive Design? No thanks. Today we live in a society that is smart, always on the go. Most people use their smartphones to browse through the internet. If you still have a site that looks horrible on portable devices, you should change that. Immediately. It is common knowledge that Google does not update Blogger fast enough. Blogger offers

10 Inspiring Responsive Designed Blogs

This is a guest post by Amy Kirkegaard. Responsive web design is a web development method that creates the best viewing experience no matter what device is being used - laptop, desktop, tablet, or mobile phone. Blogs with responsive web design use fluid grids to automatically adapt for resolution and image size. ComputerWorld reports that more people in the United States will access the Internet

5 Reasons You'll Probably Quit Blogging Within The Next 3 Months

This is a guest post by Casey Dennison. The level of dedication and willpower it takes to write a steady stream of content on a weekly (sometimes daily) basis is not something the majority of "newbie" bloggers possess. It's not unusual for someone to rush in full of enthusiasm and ready to rock-n-roll, only to call it quits after several months from what is known as "blogging burnout". There

5 Best Practices for Your Mobile Website

This is a guest post by Ben Oren. When you are a business owner, you need to establish a strong online presence, as the Internet is used for billions of people all over the world. Furthermore, establishing a strong and healthy online presence is not possible without a great official website. However, this website has to be optimized for mobile searches and mobile viewing, as the trend of using