How To Build Communities Around Your Content

This is a guest post by Gila Primak. So you�ve got a blog or a site and it�s full of great content relevant to a particular demographic. Let�s say it�s a fashion blog. What differentiates one fashion blog from another? Great photography, original stories - you�ve got all that, but the Web is like a giant forest in which interesting content mushrooms all the time. How do you keep your readers

Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends In 2014

Gone are the days of traditional marketing techniques! Though old is gold, but these traditional marketing techniques will not work for you if you wish to create a web presence of your brands and services. Here lies the importance of digital marketing. In the year 2013, digital marketing techniques have evolved to a great extent. Thus, it can be assumed that people are excited to know about the

Social Video Starter Guide [Infographic]

Thanks to the availability of high-speed broadband connections and the rise of mobile computing devices over the past decade, millions of people are able to access video content from almost anywhere, in a matter of seconds. It�s no wonder why the sites that host these videos have such constant traffic. Considering that constant traffic, and how it�s more likely to continue to grow than do

Search Engines That Respect Privacy

This is a guest post by Kostas Chiotis. Online privacy is more important than ever before to most internet users. From news about the government�s tracking of internet traffic to Facebook�s controversial Graph Search feature, personal privacy is a hot topic. To the average internet users, nothing threatens privacy more than the big search engines do. These companies integrate themselves into your