How To Make Your Website A Customer Magnet

Eye catching web design doesn't have to be complicated. If you've filled your site or blog with relevant SEO terms that draws potential clients in, the key is to concentrate on simplicity of use for clients to learn all about your small business. Avoid going for flashy, over designed graphics Potential clients don't go to your website looking for impressive Flash plugins. They want to know

The Blogging Rules that Don't Work Anymore (They Never Did Actually)

Have you ever been told of certain blogging rules that you must follow for you to become a successful publisher? I wager it has been more than once. At times, it is some web experts who saw your blog and felt an urge to leak out their blogging wisdom towards you without you even asking for it, and at other times, you read about those rules on the Internet (apparently, the Internet is already

Be Wary Of These 5 Guest Blogging Pitfalls

Backlinks have become one of the hottest topics of discussions among website owners. People have been busy discussing about the strategies that can be best utilized for building maximum backlinks for their websites. One such strategy that has been embraced by individuals and enterprises is guest blogging. Writing guest posts for gathering backlinks has become a popular SEO trend among