12 Amazing Tools For Boosting Your Blogging Productivity

The most crucial problem every single blogger is faced with is not insufficient traffic to their blog, nor is it developing the best social media strategy. It�s productivity, or lack thereof, because it influences every other aspect of blogging. Posting high-quality content on a regular basis, which means at least two times a week, is an absolute must, and for some bloggers, that might be a

Importance Of SEO In Business

The main aspect of SEO is making your website easy for both users and search engine robots to understand. Search engines have become increasingly sophisticated. It still can't see and understand a web page as the same way a human can. SEO helps the engines to figure out what each page is about, and how it is useful for the users. Search Engine Optimization is commonly known as, one of the most

Top Tips to Lower Your Bounce Rates Today

Bounce rates worry most website owners and reducing the percentage can seem like an endless task of trial and error. There are some areas of a homepage that immediately deter visitors which may not be instantly obvious to the seller. To find out why people are landing and bouncing away you first need to research a few areas. Research in these topics will provide you with incredible data that you

Best Google Apps Alternative To Microsoft Office

According to a whitepaper from the Cloud Alliance for Google Apps, 31% of respondents suggested that Google Apps would allow them to reduce their investment in Microsoft Office products. But for that to happen, you need a simple way to move your data from the desktop to the cloud. Here are a few apps that can assist. The Best Google Apps Plugins To Help You Transition From Microsoft Office To

Beyond Content: 5 Ways to Create Digital Assets to Attract Shares

This is the era of content marketing. No one can ignore the importance of quality content anymore after Google has underlined it strongly with its apocalyptic updates in the recent years. Contrary to popular perception, these new developments have actually come as a boon to small businesses, new entrepreneurs and freelancers because it has provided them a level playing field where they can

Facebook Marketing Secrets You Probably Never Heard of Before

Facebook might be the most versatile social media where you can promote your business to your target audience. However, its advertising platform, Facebook Ads, isn�t that easy to master. While the social media giant provide huge opportunities for reaching your target market, there are still plenty of secrets that even an experienced professional might not even heard of. These secrets point out

Why Local SEO Essential for Small Businesses

Search engines today are increasingly personalizing their user's search results, especially Google. Search engines can track location and generate search results or business addresses that are geographically close to users. For a small local business, this is a great advantage. For one, you won't have to compete with global giants in your industry for recognition in cyberspace. In fact, most

5 Tips To Maintain Your Blog During Summer Vacations

If you have a blog, then it is understandably difficult to maintain it if you are on holiday. It is not fair to spoil your holiday by working on and checking on your blog whilst you are away. So, here are five tips that are going to help you �hold the fort� whilst you are away. They are tips that only really work if you use them all at the same time. Of course, you could always have someone

Top 10 Sources To Find Valuable Information On Email Marketing

Due to rapid technological growth across the globe, entrepreneurs are striving assiduously to integrate several strategies into their businesses in order to ensure its growth. This singular act has led to advancements in the field of digital marketing which facilitates business growth through several internet processes. One of such digital marketing strategies is email marketing. Today, there

5 Actionable Tips to Prime Your Blog for Success

To blog without a specific goal or objective in mind is pointless. As a blogger, you�d want to set a standard on how your blog will turn out after a certain period of time. Should you have thousands of subscribers receiving your newsletters? Should the ability of your blog to convert your visitors into customers and achieve a specific sales figures be set as your metric? Are you more

Colour, Layout & Formatting. The 3 Musketeers Of A Blog

How many of you can recall reading a famous novel called; �The Three Musketeers� in High School or in college. I guess some of us must have had a brush with this piece of literature penned by the famous author Alexandre Dumas. The story is based on the 3 central characters or musketeers named Athos, Prothos and Aramis. The motto of these inseparable friends is �all for one, one for all�. My

ROI for Social Media is Complicated, or Is It?

People always questions about how to measure the return on investment (ROI) of their social media accounts. The answer is that ROI is a very difficult metric to use for evaluating the success or failure of your social media activity. After all, how do you measure a smile from a happy customer that talked with your company and came back two months later to make a purchase? ROI only comes in handy